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That’s a wrap!


Finally the school year is over and everyone will have some well deserved vacation time.
Last May 28th we had our end of school year awarding and recognition. A day where all the students reap the fruit of their labour and receive their medals, awards and certificates.

For the first time we entrusted the program to our grade 10 students and we were so proud to see how well the lead the program. They were the emcees, speaking confidently and were very organised in the way they led the program.

Everyone had a great time cheering on those who received their awards, especially seeing their faces as they beamed with joy. Both parents and teachers were visibly proud of them (so many photos taken to catch each of their accolades!!) It was amazing to witness the children giving their speeches so eloquently in front of so many people.

We had a second program for the graduation ceremony of our Kinder, Elementary and High School Students.

The graduates are always so happy to wear those white toga (gown) and it is very clear to see how a simple gown makes them feel so accomplished.

Another batch of 10th grade students are now leaving the school for their Senior High School years. Whilst it is a happy time to see their achievements it is also mixed with the sadness.

It’s hard to say goodbye as we have been with and teaching these kids since Kindergarten and now they will be moving on from POCCA. It often escapes our minds how many students we have taught through the years and how much time we have invested in them. The impact that has been made in life has been mutual for both student and teacher.


We only hope and pray that they will progress in their academics and that they will also continue to progress in their spiritual lives as they continue in their Christian journey. We are very grateful that a kind donor specifically gave to sponsor a relaxing day for all the teachers and staff of POCCA. Though the gift was given a while ago, as we were so busy with the end of school exams, marking and the awarding ceremonies, we decided to wait until after the school year to celebrate. We had a very relaxing time a small resort had a wonderful time of refreshing. God is so good!!!

- Aaron

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It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that the government pulled down our church structure in Wea (Lupang Pangarap) in order to build a road. There were also several houses that were pulled down also (thankfully none of the ones we built but that was no consolation to those who did lose their homes). The government officials proudly gave me £1K for our loss (with a proud photo) and for the poor families they were awarded £100 to build a new home. We did have a hint of this so that is why we did not make any further improvements on the building. But the compensation was insulting really. We spent a lot of that trying to salvage what materials we could before they came in with their demolition equipment.

Of course we know that God works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, so we know something good will come of this for us. In the meantime, we will use our new van (bought by our supporters at Soul church in Norwich) to pick up the church members every Sunday to attend POCF Subic. We will also continue to have house to house bible studies every Sunday. There is a small portion of the building that remains where the children can continue to have their Shine Outreach if there is rain.

- Chrissy


prayer requests

We would value prayer
for continued
financial provision for
the daily needs of the
children in the Homes 

We would value your
prayers for a new
church lot and
building for Wea.

Plans and Provision
for Phase One (West
Wing) of the
renovation of the
Future POC Christian
Academy including

POC Children's Home

We are really proud of our kids achievements this school year. Many received academic and character trait awards. This year we have 2 who graduated grade 10 and will be transferring to another school to start their Senior High. After graduation, all the kids who graduated and received awards were treated to dinner and special shakes at Sparrows Café.

Every summer vacation the houseparents prepare special fun activities for the kids to enjoy rather than being stuck at home all summer. This month the girls unit with all the houseparents and their kids arranged a fun day at a swimming pool where there was also a karaoke,a very popular activity with kids and adults alike.


The boys unit had a different activity in mind. The boys love basketball and asked the houseparents if they could invite friends from outside the homes to play basketball. So the houseparents thought it would be a good idea to host a basketball league competition and have the kids in the community sign up to play. Bearing in mind there was no offer of prizes, we were shocked to have 119 kids from the community sign up. We also saw this as an opportunity to share the gospel with these kids too.


So before each game the houseparents with the help of Pastor Nathanael would share the word of God with them. The league lasted a whole week and it was such a success that we thought that the kids deserved prizes. So we were able to buy a few small trophies, made medals and cash prizes for the winners. The houseparents did a great job of handling so many children and kept peace.

Since the whole league activity was such a great success we are planning to make it an annual activity. It was a wonderful opportunity to have fun while reaching out tokids in our community. 

Furthermore, we offer grateful thanks to our kind donors who have sponsored the replacement of the floor tiles in our boys house. We would also appreciate your prayers for the Children’s Homes. Prices of food and basic necessities have increased significantly. Our regular weekly budget for marketing is only lasting 5 days. There are days that we are not able to feed our staff on duty (which is supposed to be included as their salaries are low), because there is
simply not enough. The staff responsible for the budgeting are really struggling. So we would value your prayers, especially when the kids return to school with all the mountain of expenses. Thank you for your love, prayers and

- Monique


Please Pray for our upcoming POCF Youth Camp 2024.
In previous years we have had groups who have sponsored our POC Children’s Home kids for the Youth camp, but
that has not been the case this year. The kids have therefore been very busy trying to find ways of earning their £14
registration and a bit of pocket money. They have been collecting used clothes from friends and church members to
sell and earn. This is good experience for them, but their target is quite high. Please pray that all who want to attend
can raise what they need. It is always such a wonderful time of spiritual and emotional refreshing for them. Camp is
on June 24-26.

Shine are also conducting their 4 day long VBS (Vacation Bible School) for all the children in their various Shine
Outreaches and Sunday Schools as the kids are on their long school vacation. The leaders are also doing various
fund raising activities such as showing a Christian Movie for church members to attend and purchase snacks. VBS
will be on July 9-12.

I would greatly value your prayers personally. I have been going through a very difficult time lately. I know the Lord
has a purpose but it has been a very tough time this year for me. God is faithful and I know He will bring me through.
Thank you all again for your faithful love and support.


Together Let’s Make a Difference!


Love in Christ God bless,

Chrissy, Dondie &

your POCM Family 

 UK CHARITY no. 1074092

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